Thursday, April 27, 2006

Safe Journey Unfailing Love!!!

One of my virtual friend is goin to Redang tomorrow (eh AM i hope i got the destination right), arGHHH!!!.... how i wish i can take some days off for a holiday, so I goin to miss her for a while. Cant kacau her until she's back ( come lately most of my virtual friends are not in town? IC in Sg now, VC in KL now and TT in China!!!!)

Today i have an interesting chat with my little sister (she always call me Tai Lu) on gal and guy relationship. Guess, after the long conversation with her, i starting to understand why some gals behave like that, hehehehe.....

Aiyo, so late oredi, better go sleep now otherwise tomorrow cant make it to church again. I had missed my mass tis morning, seem like HE is not very happy with it. Lucky Terry L din buzz me today, so no homework tonight.

By the way, HK congra of you winning the big case today, you have JP twice this week!!! I am really proud of you. Gd9.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is HK...thought I try out this thing..thanks for your congratulation.... it means more coming from a fellow hardworking learned councillor...u know what I mean. Where I stand, no one has better insights of the enigma I,m constantly swimming in. This is an achievement that comes only in my dreams. I have Master Yoda to guide me though ;)

4:13 PM  

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