Friday, May 12, 2006

Safe Journey Prisca

Just received news that Prsica's visa has been approved and she is all set ready to go for the mission outreach trip to Ghana which is organised by the ICPE. (*for those who dun know what is ICPE abt, it stand for Institute for World Evangelisation *). In view of the possible political unrest and diseases not to mention what sort of people you may meet over there, indeed it is a very courageous step for her to take and to go and serve God's people again. God's grace is really upon her and she has responded well to the call of our Lord.

Dun worry, Prisca, we will continue to pray for you during your trip in Ghana. If HE is with you nothing is against you.

God Bless and have a safe journey!!! Hope to meet up with before you left.

*By the way, dun forget to bring back some diamond or ruby stone for me. Hehehe*


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