Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Story- Part 1 of 3

Last night I went to Capstone with my pang yao Deer Deer……(first time there)

Wow, really impressive. Lots of christian books!!!......

Avatar: “Hey, you still remember the story you gave me about this begger many years ago”.

Deer Deer: “Ya, I remember, why?

Avatar: Great! I want to read that story again lar, is it written by Max Lucado?

Deer Deer: No, No, Is by Rick Joyner.

Avatar: Oh. Okay, you think you can pass the book to me later?

Deer Deer: No problem, But I need to dig it out from the box.

Avatar: How long? for you to find the book.

Deer Deer: Not long, shoudn’t take more than five.

Avatar: Great. Remind lme ater to take the book from you.

I love this story, so touching. Until now, I still cannot forget this story. Dun know why today, I wanted to read it again so badly. For the whole day, I told myself no matter what, I must asked that book from Deer Deer. So finally, after sending Deer Deer home, she passed the book to me and I proceeded to Chapel. *Thank God, She found it*. Awesome! HE spoke to me again through the story.

Here is how the story goes:

He then stopped and I turned to look at those in the thrones next to us. We were still in the place where the very highest kings were sitting. Then I recognized a man who was close by.

“Sir, I know you from somewhere, but I just cannot remember where.”

“You once saw me in a vision,” he replied.

I immediately remembered, and was shocked! “So you were a real person?”

“Yes,” he replied.

I then began to remember the day when, as a young Christian I had become frustrated with some issues in my life. I went out into the middle of a battlefield park near my apartment and determined to wait until the Lord spoke to me. As I sat reading my Bible I was caught up into a vision one of the first that I ever had.

In the vision I saw a man who was zealously serving the Lord. He was continually witnessing to people, teaching and visiting the sick to pray for them. He was very zealous for the Lord, and had a genuine love for people. Then I saw another man who was obviously a tramp or a homeless man, A small kitten wandered into his path and he started to kick it, but restrained himself, but still shoved it rather harshly out of the way with his foot. Then the Lord asked me which of these men pleased Him the most.

“The first,” I said without hesitating.

“No. the second,” He responded, and began to tell me their stories.

The first man had been raised in a wonderful family, which had always known the Lord. He grew up in a thriving church, and then attended one of the best Bible colleges. He had been given one hundred portions of His love, but he was using only seventy-five.

The second man had been born deaf. He was abused and kept in a dark, cold attic until he was found by the authorities when he was eight years old. He had then been shifted from one institution to another where the abuse continued. Finally he was turned out on the streets. To overcome all of this the Lord had only given him three portions of His love, but he had mustered every bit of it to fight the rage in his heart to keep from hurting the kitten.

[ be continued/bersambung.....]


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