Monday, May 01, 2006

Back Home!!!

I am at Labuan now!!! For a while I was thinking whether to go back or not. As you know, the BM Youth will be launching their new ministry (Hati Kudus....oops can't remember the name of the ministry!) on Sunday, 30.4.2006, at SHC. I was planning to attend the launch and give them some moral support (as an observer of the event only (lol!)). Anyway, the Lord laid on my heart that I should be back home to spend some time with my mom during this holiday. I realised that I should be part of the answer to my prayer for her. So here I am -home sweet home !!!

To divert a bit, many people were actually asking about what I have experienced at the Freedom Camp 2006 at Bundu Tuhan, I din’ really talk much about the camp, even to my closest friends, Cornel (my own Aaron, who always intercede for me, as Aaron supported Moses's arm at the battle between the Israel and the Amalekites, see Exodus 17:9-13 (my favourite passage!!!)). Same with Vivian who also asked me the other day at a coffee shop, whereby I gave her only a really vague reply. Honestly, I do find it quite difficult to share my experience at the Camp (dun ask me why, i dun know either). Perhaps, things may change now. On Sunday, I attended the mass with my brother at the Blessed Sacrament Church. Rev Kessel happened to be the cerebrant, he gave a really good sermon on the spirit of Easter. At that moment, I received a prompt from the Lord that I should starts sharing with others about the Camp, at least about my experience during the Nailing of the Cross session. So, since the ‘Big Boss’ had given a direct order to me, maybe I will talk about the camp in my next post, but not now…. still need to finish some of my assignment.


AM was commenting on my blog the other day. She said that the way i write in the post, akin to writing a submission to the Judge (hehehe); AM, I can't help it at this point of time, that is what I do every day mah.


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