Saturday, May 13, 2006


Grateful that today is a public holiday, manages to clear out some of the outstanding matters like getting all my books organized which i should have done it long long time ago. ( *Just bought a new bookshelf hehehe.*) Finally, finally and finally…. I also manage to watch MI3 this afternoon with Cornel and Vick. Great movie! Thinking of getting the DVD copies of MI1 and MI2. Most importantly, I also managed to finish some of the Smallville’s season 5 series. (lol!)

By the way, the episode entitled LEXMAS really struck me and thought provoking. This is a really good and special episode. It was nice to see how things could have been if Lex Luthor made different decisions. In this episode, Lex Luthor is shot by some criminals who wanted to steal his car and falls into a coma. He dreams that his late mother visits him and shows him the life he could lead if he: (1)walks away from his father and LuthorCorp (*with consequences of losing everything, *meaning money and power* he possesses now*) and (2) friends with Clark Kent. In this alternate life, Lex is happily married to Lana Lang, have a son called Alexander and also expecting a second child. So, what you can see in this episode Lex finally got everything he wanted to (especially the part where he finally got the gal he wanted all this while (Lana)) and it’s the first time you saw him genuinely happy. Unfortunately, Lana (in the alternate life) died and there was nothing that Lex could do (since he had left LuthorCorp, he lacks the means and resources to save Lana’s life). In Lex's point of view, what happen in his dream (alternate life) is a life of pain. In the end, his turn to evil was a tragic one. It was his father who finally pushed him to the edge. ( *all those Smallville’s fan out there would know what I meant*). My point is that this is the first episode that actually revealed the true transformation of Lex Luthor (*of becoming superman’s greatest nemesis*).

For those who have been following Smallville since season one you would have seen how Lex grow into evil, but in this episode, this is what turn him into who he wants to be in the future. When he lived a life of happiness and joyfully, his wife, Lana died and he had no money or power to save her. After Lex regained consciousness, he chose the life of money and power, because after all he realized from his dream that only money and power will secure his happiness and life (albeit wrongly!!!). And Lex had this to say: "And you know what the secret to living happily ever after is? Power ! Money... and power ! Since when you have those two things, you can secure everything else. And keep it that way..."

This episode started or I would say decided Lex’s fate in his never ending battle against Clark, the Superman in future. By the way, this episode wasn't just a Christmas special, but was the birth of an evil on earth, Lex Luthor!!! (*unlike the birth of a saviour Jesus Christ who saved the world*).

Another thing is that this episode leads me to ponder that there is really a thin line between making the right choice or decision in our daily life; for just a moment, a decision that we make may change our life completely(rightly or wrongly). Things could have been worked out differently, if we make the right choice or discernment.

"If your eye is clear, your whole body will be filled with light..If then, the light inside you is darkened, what darkness that will be!" (Mt 6:22-24)


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