Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ask I would not answer

Weak I am, truly I know,
Myself I control cannot, hold myself I cannot,
Dun know why to have feeling like this,
Feeling's like being wronged for mistakes that I shouldn’t made,
Attaching to the secular world still I am.

Good and bad things joining hand as friends,
Appeared without warning and out of my expectancy,
Dunno how should I feel, answer is a commodity I could not offer,
Torment brought to myself,
Pain and mental anguish that seems never fade.

Have I done any wrong to deserve this,
Is this path the mistake I have made,
Uncertainty is now my greatest enemy,
Feels like crying over someone's shoulders,
But who should I lean on.

Help cannot I seek now, beyond my control it is indeed,
At time, I could just disappear is my wish,
As though its have not happened,
I might escape, I might avoid, to save my soul of being tormented,
But it's not how things should be.

Things happened, but life goes on surely must,
To give way for what's new it is to come, not for what's gone,
Memories are mine to treasure, and a heart that never seems to heal,
I feel empty once in a while, feeling there is a lot more I should have do,
Perhaps I'm just thinking too much.


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