Monday, June 26, 2006

I will not let you be tested beyond your strength

I was uncertain in the first place whether to put this sharing here or not. I have to admit that I have not being spending much time with Him lately as I normally would do. The primary reason is pretty obvious, world cup season. In other words, I did not have any fruitful conversation with Him lately. But there is one prayer I would say it everyday, “asking Him no to test me anymore”. Honestly speaking, I am on the verge of collapse and I don’t know how long I could persevere.

Yesterday, Lifemass was held on Sunday morning instead of the usual Saturday evening. I was given the task to be one of the gift bearers together with Cindy and Carol. (though joc tried so hard to persuade me to do the reading, but I have to turn down for some personal reason). During the mass, to my surprise, Rev. Nicholas was the celebrant of the mass. And to my surprise also, he gave a really fantastic homily. In his homily he addressed the issue of FEAR! and he is perfectly right to say that majority of us now are constantly in the state of fear, including myself. Fearing this and tat etc, most importantly losing faith in God.

(Click! Click! Fast Forward)

Carol, Cindy and me, were at the back of the congregation. Getting ourselves ready. Is time for the offertory. I was in charge of presenting the love offering. As we proceeded to the altar, I can felt the basket (that contained the money) getting heavier and berat (si vone said the basket is the lightest, I think she is wrong. Lol!). Then during the procession, the Lord laid on my heart the following words, “I will not let you be tested beyond your strength and surrender all you fears andr burden to Me now.” Guess He is hearing my prayer all this while. After hearing that, I felt I am not as weak as before but kind of feeling unworthy. Even though I have neglected Him all this while, He still stands by me.

Need to stop here; someone is here to see me.