Monday, June 19, 2006


Havent put up anything lately. The reason pretty obvious rite, World Cup fever lor lol. Sleep also bola, eat also bola, meeting also bola.
Meet some new people recently, din know that they also going through the same problem (may be not so similar also lar, mine is more complicated lol!). Anyway, will continue to uphold these people to God.
Going to initial a Crusade soon! So will be pretty busy soone.
Ya Ya i now, i still owe you people some outstanding post, will try to put it up before the Crusade really starts.
By the way, Clark had been trapped in the Phantom Zone by Lex, any idea how to bring him out?

Asta la vista Baby!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

without 'panda eyes', you are still far from 'BOLA'.

10:12 AM  
Blogger AVATAR said...

no worry, i am on heavy dosage of food supplement lolz

9:46 AM  

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