Monday, May 22, 2006


(soli about the spacing, cant seems to get it fix)

The 23rd day,month? Ya still May, year number 2006 after the birth of Christ.

No rain today.

“Prisca: have you ever prayed what ministry God is calling you to?

Avatar: why u and violetissweet keep on asking me the same thing oh. …….

Prisca: are you reaching out to people? serving in a ministry?

Prisca: its not studying or attending courses or things like that.”

These were the conversation I had with Prisca this afternoon. When Prisca asked me that question, I 'm rather speechless and dunno how to answer. I not saying I marah or what (hey, Prisca and violetissweet, for avoidance of doubt, I not angry ah!!!lolz). I just wonder what these two gals are up to again. (lolz). Why always ask me about the same thing again and again. People start talking behind me again? Frankly speaking, I dunno what definition they have in mind on the meaning of “serving”. But to me, I would take it to mean doing anything for God, which includes little little thing also. No doubt, people close to me would know I am an ardent fan of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. (see her autobiography: The Story of a Soul). So i believe in serving Him by doing little things behind the scene. I have never thought of showing and/or letting people know the kind of things I am doing for Him. (unless no choice lar). Yup, I am very good in hiding myself. Perhaps, this give rise to such misunderstanding I have with them now. OR is it because we haven’t met each others for so long? Lack of communications perhaps? I know they are pretty worry about my spiritual life thinking that I am not doing anything apart from only coming to seminars and seminars and seminars. After all, I dun doubt them sincerely, and I very much appreciate the great care, concern and support they have for me all this while. They are my good friends afterall. Anyway, I have decided to find time to sit down with them one of this day. (especially on the part that Prisca said she sensed I have reached the maximum level in my spiritual life). This is pretty interesting. I do know she got the Power!!! That’s all. (for time being)

P/S: For those who are lost perhaps, Soli Soli. Dun worry, I have joke for you guys today.

A man appears before Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. “Have you ever done anything of particular merits, son?” enquires Pete.

“Well, I can think of one thing,” the man offers.

“As I was in Bali and came across a gang of bikers threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn’t listen. So approached the largest and most heavily-tattooed of the lot, smacked him hard on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring and told him to leave her alone or answer to me.”

“I see,” said Pete, *highly impressed.*“and when did this happen, my son?” asked Pete.

“Oh,” replies the man, “just a couple of minutes ago.”


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