Sunday, May 21, 2006

How to tell?

Day 21, the month is May in the year of 2006.

Rain!!! Today raining pretty heavy.

This week pretty busy!!! The Life in the Spirit Seminar in a way aggravated the situation. So many places to run around, so many things at the office to finalise. But did I experience anything during the LSS? Of course! But that is another story to be revealed in due course. SO all the while am I in a good mood? IT is suppose to be. Since I am still high in the spirit. But not until when that incident occurred. As a matter of fact, Cornel was curious this morning why I complaint so much, about the time, the delay, the food etc etc. Ya, I no longer in good mood.

Phone rang.

Idiot: Hi, boss. What you doing?

Avatar: Driving. Ya, what you WANT?

Idiot: Err… did Ah xxxxx call you lately?

Avatar: Ya. He also told me something..................

Idiot: It is not what you think.
She is just a normal friend.

* %Gdd&$#0%)%)$&*

Avatar: I believe what Ah xxxxx has told me, He know what he saw………there is no reason for him to lie…….No only Ah xxx saw, Ah ccccc saw you with the gal also……Are you saying both of them are blind…


Avatar: I haven’t told her yet. Doesn’t mean I would not when she is back.

Idiot: ………………………………….

Avatar: I got to hang up. For time being I dun think you need to call me. I dun want to talk to you. Bye.

I dunno what the *beep* my friend is thinking. (I dunno why I still want to keep his name anonymous).The time when he got his gf, he was telling how lucky is he to be able to get his dream gal. He is really a “beep*. How can he treats her like that. Ya, the real reason I haven’t told my friend about him going out with another gal is because I dunno how to tell. I also dun know how to start. I dun have the courage to tell her what Ah xxxxx and Ah cccccccccc has saw at the restaurant. Or should I let it as it is, let her discover his true nature by her ownself. Urgggg…….I have enough things to worry oredi. Why the list seems to be getting longer and longer. *beep* *beep*.

Rain stop oredi.

P/S: I better tell something cheerful. This afternoon Chin was sharing a joke."Rev so and so was holding a bottle of hard liquor. Rev: If i bless this liquor, it will become holy spirit. "

Not funny? Ya, I agreed.

Next time no more posting this kind of stupid joke.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Keep your mind free for a few second, then pose this question to yourself: should i tell or should i not tell? If your answer is yes, then u will know the way to tell.

1:05 PM  
Blogger AVATAR said...

I still haven't told. trying to pursuade somebody to do the dirty job for me. Dun wan people to think i got vested interest in it.

5:45 PM  

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