Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Aaron and Hur where are you?

Prsica: like you are not excited about anything.

*Yes, I don't dispute that. Acutally, I dun have the luxury to be excited*

Prisca: and doesn't seem to be at peace with something.

* May be*

Terry: you are also going through a tough time.

*Yes, you right*

Terry: finances may be restricted more.


Terry: so you need the peace of the Lord.

*Yes, I do.*

Have I became weary? I think it would be silly for me to still deny this true fact. I started out strong, but soon tired and finally........In spite of the fact that HE told me to pray and not to "faint"(Luke 18:1) , I still "faint". I think I lose heart. I grow fainthearted. I feel like giving up. I dun like this feelin at all. Where are Aaron and Hur? I dun need advice, I dun need counseling. I need supports and prayers!!!!!


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