Thursday, June 29, 2006

I like the way You walk!!!

Three weeks ago……

SYT called me and asked me if I knew someone named Deejay said I did not and she then told me that he would like to meet me…….apparently he had heard of me when I was working in KL. (hmm….interesting.)

I was surprised as the name didn’t sound familiar and honestly speaking much of my previous work was neither memorable nor important enough to elicit even a mention more than 6 years after the fact. I must admit I was curious about Deejay but I was too busy to meet that week. I soon forgot all about it.

Two weeks earlier…….

SYT called me again and asked me if I was free to have lunch with Deejay and her. I again asked her about Deejay even she did not know much about him. I reckoned there was no harm in it and readily agreed because I hadn’t seen SYT for some time. (killing two birds with one stone.) We arranged to meet after the weekend. SYT, who is always very busy asked me to remind her about the lunch. Sometime later I casually mentioned the lunch appointment to Avatar.

DD: hey, you want to join me for lunch?

Avatar: ahh, what is the occasion? To what do I owe the singular pleasure of an invitation for lunch from you? So nice ah you want to treat me?

DD: No occasion just I’m meeting SYT and her friend.

Avatar: Huh? friend? male? Do I know him? I haven’t gave my consent to it oh. How can you go and meet another guy.

DD: It’s not a guy in that sense of the word… I dun think you know him. But he has been wanting to meet me for some time. SYT has asked me twice already, so I agreed.

Avatar: Ha!, Ya ka? Secret admirer? LOL!

DD: Glad you are finding this amusing. He is a friend of SYT. No harm in meeting, kan?

Avatar: You sure no hidden agenda? May be SYT wants to find you a partner. LOL!

DD: Pleeeease! You ah, Can you stop it!

Avatar: Ok .OK. Just kidding. You need a bodyguard? I not free oh on that day how?

DD: Never mind la, if you not free. *Avatar must be trying to avoid SYT*


Avatar: Bah, you report to me what happen after that.

DD: Okay.

One Week later…….

I called SYT. She had forgotten about the meeting and laughingly joked that it was surprising that she did because her group of friends had spoken about two days in a row! It seems that Deejay had pre-ordered a delicious lunch for us the week before.

When I arrived for lunch both Deejay and SYT hadn’t arrived yet. SYT got there a few minutes later and then Deejay came. (Hmmm…. I had never seen or met him before.) We chatted while waiting for our lunch to be served. I jokingly asked Deejay why he had wanted to meet me. He laughed and said “I like the way you walk” and that he had seen me walk around quite a few times. (Opps! What am I getting into. Dun tell me Avatar was right. Ya. He is always right.)

Lunch was a special order of my favourite dish. I’m sure it must have cost a lot and I thought Deejay very kind to be putting himself out to such an extent for a stranger. Deejay was very friendly and spoke easily about current events. He was also very attentive to our needs and kept asking us if we wanted more food, drinks etc. which we both politely declined. (*I think he was a bit tOO too helpful!)


Avatar: So how were your lunch with the Elf Knight?

DD: Ok.

Avatar: So who is the guy?

DD: He is not a threat to you la. Dun worry. Not as intelligent or handsome as you (big pinch of
salt here, ahem!).

Avatar: Of Course. I am the chosen one, THE AVATAR, the protector of the VIRTUES.

DD: of course (o boy, ……….here we go again)

Avatar: So why he wants to meet you?

DD: err……He said he liked the way I walk.

Avatar: *roll eyes* “Get’s push off chair and falls to the ground with arms waving wildly* What?
You serious ka? Sound like a psycho talking.

DD: You ah, So bad.

Avatar: You better careful lar. Where got people talk to gal like that one. Really shocking. This is the story of the year!

DD: You dun be so paranoid lar. I’m sure he’s quite harmless.

(……all conversations here are legally obliged to be erased!!!)

Avatar: Up to you lar. I oredi gave my advice to you. If your mom ask me I say dunno oh. See lar, if he asks you out again, let me know lar. May be both of us can get free meal. LOL!

DD: I feel like smacking you lah! And don’t bring my mum into this, you know she is extra bias in your favour all the time!

Avatar: Of course. I am a good boy ma, your mom is definitely more intelligent than you to know that. LOL!

DD: *pull hair* *pull hair*

We must respect others’ feelings & opinions

So sad. She has changed. Dun no why nowsday she is so defensive. She seems like not giving a damn about the opinion of others. Why she has to force people to accept her idea. People should be allowed to express their views and opinion without fear and favour. She is getting on my last nerve. Talking to her now is like having a conversation with my ****. You can’t speak freely anymore. There is always this fear in your mind now. If you were to opine smtg, you would probably be wondering what the outcome would be. Fearing that if you say the wrong things, she might gives you a piece of her mind. I dun like to have this feeling even "after 5.00 p.m.". Why should I be put in that kind of position again? I dun need all this! I have enough things to worry. And this is pretty depressing (or annoying?). It shouldn’t be like this. Next time, I would be better off if I kept my mouth shut. The End.

Monday, June 26, 2006

I will not let you be tested beyond your strength

I was uncertain in the first place whether to put this sharing here or not. I have to admit that I have not being spending much time with Him lately as I normally would do. The primary reason is pretty obvious, world cup season. In other words, I did not have any fruitful conversation with Him lately. But there is one prayer I would say it everyday, “asking Him no to test me anymore”. Honestly speaking, I am on the verge of collapse and I don’t know how long I could persevere.

Yesterday, Lifemass was held on Sunday morning instead of the usual Saturday evening. I was given the task to be one of the gift bearers together with Cindy and Carol. (though joc tried so hard to persuade me to do the reading, but I have to turn down for some personal reason). During the mass, to my surprise, Rev. Nicholas was the celebrant of the mass. And to my surprise also, he gave a really fantastic homily. In his homily he addressed the issue of FEAR! and he is perfectly right to say that majority of us now are constantly in the state of fear, including myself. Fearing this and tat etc, most importantly losing faith in God.

(Click! Click! Fast Forward)

Carol, Cindy and me, were at the back of the congregation. Getting ourselves ready. Is time for the offertory. I was in charge of presenting the love offering. As we proceeded to the altar, I can felt the basket (that contained the money) getting heavier and berat (si vone said the basket is the lightest, I think she is wrong. Lol!). Then during the procession, the Lord laid on my heart the following words, “I will not let you be tested beyond your strength and surrender all you fears andr burden to Me now.” Guess He is hearing my prayer all this while. After hearing that, I felt I am not as weak as before but kind of feeling unworthy. Even though I have neglected Him all this while, He still stands by me.

Need to stop here; someone is here to see me.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Am I moral or immoral?

Somebody referred this link to mw. apparently is a quiz to determine your level of morality.

Here is my score.

Your Moral Parsimony Score is 80%

What does this mean?
Moral frameworks can be more or less parsimonious. That is to say, they can employ a wide range of principles, which vary in their application according to circumstances (less parsimonious) or they can employ a small range of principles which apply across a wide range of circumstances without modification (more parsimonious). An example might make this clear. Let's assume that we are committed to the principle that it is a good to reduce suffering. The test of moral parsimony is to see whether this principle is applied simply and without modification or qualification in a number of different circumstances. Supposing, for example, we find that in otherwise identical circumstances, the principle is applied differently if the suffering person is from a different country to our own. This suggests a lack of moral parsimony because a factor which could be taken to be morally irrelevant in an alternative moral framework is here taken to be morally relevant.

How to interpret your score
The higher your percentage score the more parsimonious your moral framework. In other words, a high score is suggestive of a moral framework that comprises a minimal number of moral principles that apply across a range of circumstances and acts. What is a high score? As a rule of thumb, any score above 75% should be considered indicative of a parsimonious moral framework. However, perhaps a better way to think about this is to see how your score compares to other people's scores. In fact, your score of 80% is significantly higher than the average score of 65%. This suggests that you have utilised a noticeably smaller range of moral principles than average in order to make judgements about the scenarios presented in this test, and that you have tended to judge aspects of the acts and circumstances depicted here to be morally irrelevant that other people consider to be morally relevant.

Moral Parsimony - good or bad?
We make no judgement about whether moral parsimony is a good or bad thing. Some people will think that on balance it is a good thing and that we should strive to minimise the number of moral principles that form our moral frameworks. Others will suspect that moral parsimony is likely to render moral frameworks simplistic and that an overly parsimonious moral framework will leave us unable to deal with the complexity of real circumstances and acts. We'll leave it up to you to decide who is right.

How was your score calculated?
Your score was calculated by combining and averaging your scores in the four categories that appear below.

Geographical Distance
This category has to do with the impact of geographical distance on the application of moral principles. The idea here is to determine whether moral principles are applied equally when dealing with sets of circumstances and acts that differ only in their geographical location in relation to the person making the judgement.

Your score of 100% is significantly higher than the average score of 73% in this category.

The suggestion then is that geographical distance plays little, if any, role in your moral thinking.

Family Relatedness
In this category, we look at the impact of family loyalty and ties on the way in which moral principles are applied. The idea here is to determine whether moral principles are applied without modification or qualification when you're dealing with sets of circumstances and acts that differ only in whether the participants are related through family ties to the person making the judgement.
Your score of 18% is a lot lower than the average score of 53% in this category.
It seems then that family relatedness is an important factor in your moral thinking. Normally, this will mean feeling a greater moral obligation towards people who are related to you than towards those who are not. To the extent that issues of family relatedness form part of your moral thinking, the parsimoniousness of your moral framework is reduced.

Acts and Omissions
This category has to do with whether there is a difference between the moral status of acting and omitting to act where the consequences are the same in both instances. Consider the following example. Let's assume that on the whole it is a bad thing if a person is poisoned whilst drinking a cola drink. One might then ask whether there is a moral difference between poisoning the coke, on the one hand (an act), and failing to prevent a person from drinking a coke someone else has poisoned, when in a position to do so, on the other (an omission). In this category then, the idea is to determine if moral principles are applied equally when you're dealing with sets of circumstances that differ only in whether the participants have acted or omitted to act.
Your score of 100% is much higher than the average score of 60% in this category.

It seems that you do not think that the distinction between acting and omitting to act has any real moral significance.

This category has to do with whether scale is a factor in making moral judgements. A simple example will make this clear. Consider a situation where it is possible to save ten lives by sacrificing one life. Is there a moral difference between this choice and one where the numbers of lives involved are different but proportional - for example, saving 100 lives by sacrificing ten? In this category then, the idea is to determine whether moral principles are applied without modification or qualification when you're dealing with sets of circumstances that differ only in their scale, as in the sense described above.

Your score of 100% is significantly higher than the average score of 73% in this category.

It seems that scale, as it is described above, is not an important consideration in your moral worldview. But if, contrary to our findings, it is important, then it decreases the parsimoniousness of your moral framework.

India and Australia
In Question 13 you were asked the following: You see an advertisement from a charity in a newspaper about a person in severe need in Australia. You can help this person at little cost to yourself. Are you morally obliged to do so?

However, fifty percent of people undertaking this activity are asked a slightly different question, where the country India is substituted for the country Australia. The idea is to determine what kind of impact "culural distance" has on the moral judgements that people make. The important point here is that the vast majority of people who visit this web site are from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Consequently, in a comparison of the lives and lifestyles of TPM Online visitors, residents of India and residents of Australia, there will be bigger cultural differences between TPM Online visitors and residents of India than between TPM Online visitors and residents of Australia. Of course, whether a perception of cultural differences will enter into moral judgements, and if so, what its impact will be is entirely a matter of conjecture at this point. Indeed, whatever results we find here, they will only ever be suggestive of further avenues of enquiry. This aspect of the activity is simply not rigorous enough that it will be possible to draw definitive conclusions. It will nevertheless be interesting!

The Results
26% of respondents who were asked about a person in severe need in Australia responded that they were stongly obliged to help compared to 25% who responded this way when asked about a person in severe need in India.

43% of respondents who were asked about a person in severe need in Australia responded that they were weakly obliged to help. This is exactly the same as the percentage who responded this way when asked about a person living in India.

31% of respondents who were asked about a person in severe need in Australia responded that they were not obliged to help. This is exactly the same as the percentage who responded this way when asked about a person living in India.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Havent put up anything lately. The reason pretty obvious rite, World Cup fever lor lol. Sleep also bola, eat also bola, meeting also bola.
Meet some new people recently, din know that they also going through the same problem (may be not so similar also lar, mine is more complicated lol!). Anyway, will continue to uphold these people to God.
Going to initial a Crusade soon! So will be pretty busy soone.
Ya Ya i now, i still owe you people some outstanding post, will try to put it up before the Crusade really starts.
By the way, Clark had been trapped in the Phantom Zone by Lex, any idea how to bring him out?

Asta la vista Baby!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Woman Who Reads

To all my male readers, i am coerced to post this lady joke here. Deer Deer insisted that i must put it up here, otherwise......................... So my sincere apology to all male readers if the joke offended your guys. I totally agreed that this joke is not funny at all. lol! (Opps!, i can sensed there is a disturbance in the force)

So, here we go.

A couple goes on vacation to the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota. The husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn. The wife likes to read. One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and continues to read her book. Along comes a game warden in his boat.
He pulls up along side the woman and says, "Good morning Ma'am. What are you doing?"

"Reading a book," she replies, (thinking "Isn't that obvious?")

"You're in a restricted fishing area," he informs her.

"Yes, officer, but I'm not fishing, I'm reading."

"Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up."

"If you do that I'll have to charge you with sexual assault", says the woman.

"But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden.

"That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment."

"Have a nice day ma'am", he said and left.

MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sequel to Bus Uncle Video Clip

Excerpted from Apple Daily via InMediaHK:

"What is the most popular movie in Hong Kong? It is not M:i:3 (which is likely not to be shown in mainland China) and it is not Da Vinci Code (which is severely criticized by the Catholic Church). No, it is a stealth video clip entitled "巴士阿叔, Bus Uncle" on YouTube.

The incident occurred on the top deck of a Number 68X Kowloon bus on April 29. A young man observed that the middle-aged person in front of him was talking too loud on the mobile telephone. So he tapped the man's shoulder and asked him to keep the volume down. This led to a vigorous response, including a string of obscenities. The entire proceedings were recorded by another passenger named John using a mobile camera phone. The film was uploaded on YouTube and then seen by the whole wide world. As of May 19, 1.2 million people have watched the video clip! (Update: 1.9 million as of May 26; ETTV cited a 5.9 million figure on May 27, which probably combines all the editions)."

Next Magazine, a popular tabloid in Hong Kong, reported that "Bus Uncle" is 51-year-old Chan Yuet-tung, who lives in Yuen Long with his 5 cats. In the article, he is alleged to have made three attempts for the office of Hong Kong Chief Executive in 1997, 2002 and 2005. This report was subsequently confirmed by mainstream newspapers. After his identity was revealed by the press, the press tried to interview him, but he asked for remuneration for the press interviews. Mr. Chan claimed that he was in prision for eight years in Belgium for drug smuggling and has been on welfare since 1994.


Legal issues

Some local newspapers pointed out that the behavior of the Bus Uncle contravenes the general code of conduct of bus passengers, which constitutes a criminal offence, according to Section 46(1)(a), (n)(ii) and 57(1) of Cap 374D of the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) Regulations, with a maximum penalty of HKD$3000 and a 6-month imprisonment.

His behavior probably also constitutes an offence under Section 17B(2) of the Public Order Ordinance (the section titled "Disorder in public places"), with a maximum penalty of HKD$5000 and 12-months imprisonment. It is possible that his behavior also constitutes Criminal Intimidation, which is an offence under Section 24 of the Crimes Ordinance, with a maximum penalty of HKD$2000 and 5 years imprisonment.

The latter two offences would be the more likely charges he would face (compared to the breach of the Regulation) if he were actually arrested by the police.

The good old days - The Elite Team

Once upon of time at Bethlehem. There was this guy (my college mate) called Cold Bird. Thin fellow, no so handsem but a typical man-about-town a.k.a playboy.

Vam: Hey, did you hear the news?

Avatar: wat news brather?

Vam: The stupid Cold Bird going out with Jane lar. What a waste, Jane really a nice gal lar. Bet she dunno Cold Bird also goin out with other gals.

Avatar: Go on red alert, all senior officers to the War Room now. We have a soul to save.

At the War Room.

Avatar: Any suggestions?

Ah Boy: why not we just tell Jane about how bad is ColdBird.

CCB: heiya, no point lar,you guys dunno gal lar, wen gal fall in love, they won’t listen to any advice.

Vam: Wat about snapping some photo when Cold Bird goin out with other gals. That would convince her.

Avatar: Great idea! who willing to do it? Anyone got camera?

*Still silent*
*Still still silent*

Avatar: Guess, nobody have a camera. *lolz, sure lar, we still student bah, mana ada camera*

Avatar: move on. Wat next?

*Talk, Talk, Talk, still Talking*

Ah Siow: What about letting Trance know tat her boyfriend is now going out with another gal?

Vam: Yeah.

Ah Boy: ya ya ya.

CCB: Yes, i think it will works, if Trance know about this, sure she will *beep* out of Cold Bird.

Avatar: Then is settled. CCB, you will go approach Trance. You know what to do. We leave it in your good hand.

P/s: Want to know what happen next, watch out for my next post. *if my streamyx is ok lar*

Streamyx Problem

Real *beep*! Why I have not posted anything lately? Because I am having this streamyx shit problem for almost two weeks. Call few time to care centre. Problem still persist. No much improvement. Now, I have to resort to the old fashion way, “jaring”!!! So much for paying RM88 per month for broadband.

Streamyx Problem

Real *beep*! Why I have not posted anything lately? Because I am having this streamyx shit problem for almost two weeks. Call few time to care centre. Problem still persist. No much improvement. Now, I have to resort to the old fashion way, “jaring”!!! So much for paying RM88 per month for broadband.