Friday, July 14, 2006

Face the Enemy

As one see more clearly their vocation is to be a witness to God's love in this world, and as we become more determined to live out that vocation, one cannot deny the fact that the attacks of the enemy will increase. Perhaps, we will hear voices saying,"You are worthless, you have nothing to offer, you are unlovable, undesirable, your love one are suffering because of you, etc". The more we sense God;s call, the more will discover in our own soul the cosmic battle between God and the evil one. So don't be surprised by the enemy's attack. Do not be afraid. Keep deepening your conviction that God's love for you is enough, that you are in safe hands, and that you are being guided every step of the way. Though the enemy's attack will increase, but as we face them without fear, we will discover that they are powerless. What is important is to keep clinging to the real, lasting and unambiguos love of Jesus. Whenever you do doubt that love, listen to His love's voice.
*This post is dedicated to H2O and myself*