Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Back to work!!!

I ‘m back!!1 Arrived last sunday afternoon. Quite a tiring trip. But glad that everything is fine during my stay in KL. (Guys and Gals, thanks for all the prayers and intercession that you have been offering for me, I really appreciate it). Cornel picked me up from the airport, but on our way home we encountered slight obstacle, but praise God, He had took care of that.

As I was browsing blogs just now, noticed that Cornel has updated his blog. (finally!!! LOL!)

He was sharing about a sermon given by Fr. JJ during a LifeMass two weeks ago (*sigh* missed that). No wonder even Mr. C. Bangla also like the sermon. Though at time I am unable to agree with some of the things preached by him, but I also dun denied that he is an outspoken priest.

So, which stage of relationship am I now with God? As usual, my answer is “I dunno”. And people know me well will know that now I dun go into theological debate with others (unless for special reasons that required me to do so, lol!). Perhaps at this point of time, I dun need to know which stage I in. I just need to follow Him where he wants me to go and do things that He wants me to do.

Yesterday, DK and Mr. C Bangla were asking me whether I would like to be their prayer partners. Without hestitation, I greatly say yes. I am honour in fact to receive such an invitation from them (oh that reminds me that I supposed to write an email to Lid on the topic of prayers during my stay in KL and I still haven’t done so.) I better do it later during lunch hour and perhaps will post it here also for the benefit of others.

PS: Being listening to some of the talks by Benny Ho, quite interesting, may be I will shared it with you guys later.


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