Friday, May 26, 2006


Hong Kong people must be damned stress out!!!LOLZ!

*if the audio cross over my background music, sorry brather, can't do much about it*
*Sorry about the language.*

P/S: feel like whacking the Uncle!!!

Just thought of writing this

*For all intent and purposes this post is strictly for catholic readers only, so that I dun need to explain why the situation is like that*

I have never doubted that most Catholics have a deep reverence for the Church. But it is also a known facts that there are many cases where Catholics (including people I know) find themselves stuck in a grey area (in legal field we called it the “penumbra” zone) whereby on one side of the coin they find themselves breaking Church laws and yet not finding a practical solution out of their “predicament”.

In my course of works, I came across stories to which I cannot decide whether the persons could have any alternative way of solving their problems (obviously i still have a lot to learn).

Here, I only intend to cite two stories (which I believe pretty common now) given by “The Pilgrim”.

*All names have been changed for obvious reason*

Case 1:

“I was very young when I got involved with this Catholic divorcee. Looking back, yes. I should have know better but I didn’t. The next thing I knew, I was married to this guy and had his baby. With the baby, there was no turning back for me.

I have been a devout Catholic all my life and not being able to receive Communion broke my heart. I never realized it could hurt that much. I had disobeyed Him but yet I still loved Him. I tried to be the best mother and wife I could be, make sacrifices, devotions, you name it, but the guilt and pain could never go away. The solution given by the Priests was to live as brother and sister but my husband said this was ridiculous and close to impossible unless we separated. I did consider leaving him but was I right to deprive my child of his father, a good father? Would two wrongs make a right?

I tried going to other churches, but it wasn’t the same. My heart was and is in the Catholic church.

Really, hell begins on earth when one believes that one has lost one’s God forever. In the end, it was God himself who called me home. He sent people, religious and lay to me, with messages of love, forgiveness and most of all, hope.

After so long being lost, I have come to terms with things and I feel that God has forgiven me because He knows how truly sorry I am. The irony is that people who can get married in Church don’t want to and those who can’t like me, want to. Those who can receive Communion don’t appreciate it and those who can’t, hunger for it, if only they knew what a treasure they had.

No. I still don’t receive communion, I guess I just love my God and his Church too much to offend either again. The Church doesn’t really know what to do with people like us, we live on the margins of the Church, neither fully in nor out. The Church has no real answers for us except annulments which is non-applicable most of the time.

We have to find our own way and God has to find other ways to bring us lost sheep back. My advice to young people out there is: Treasure your relationship with God beyond all else. A life without Him is not worth living. Don’t wait to be on the outside before you appreciate what you have on the inside.

To those in the same boat as I am, I say, don’t lose hope. God hasn’t given up on you and He never will.

Case 2:

Peter, a divorcee feels the pain of living in what the Church classifies as a “state of sin”, “If murderers can be forgiven, why can’t we be forgiven for having married the wrong person? Is it less sinful to stay married to someone you no longer love and may even hate? Or to sleep around? It’s not that I don’t love God, but I am only human”

Honestly, if you were to ask me, as I mentioned, I have not anwser to it, what I can do is only to pray for them. Perhaps there are some learned Priests, religious and lay out there who may have better advice/solutions/answers to their predicament.


If you were to reflect deeply about the two stories, you would wonder, why it hurts so much? It only hurt, or I would put it this way: the reason that these individuals are still caught in such predicament is because they chose to remain in the Catholic church in spite of the problem they are facing. The problem could have been easily solved if they join another faith or church where one might find the approval that they cannot find in the Catholic Church. But Why they don’t do that? The answer is pretty obvious and the common one i received is: “I still believe the Catholic church is the true church. It’s home, even if it doesn’t fell like it sometimes. The complete salvation is in the Catholic church. To be fair, I can’t deprive my children of their church, There’s no question of ever leaving it, no matter how difficult life is”.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Aaron and Hur where are you?

Prsica: like you are not excited about anything.

*Yes, I don't dispute that. Acutally, I dun have the luxury to be excited*

Prisca: and doesn't seem to be at peace with something.

* May be*

Terry: you are also going through a tough time.

*Yes, you right*

Terry: finances may be restricted more.


Terry: so you need the peace of the Lord.

*Yes, I do.*

Have I became weary? I think it would be silly for me to still deny this true fact. I started out strong, but soon tired and finally........In spite of the fact that HE told me to pray and not to "faint"(Luke 18:1) , I still "faint". I think I lose heart. I grow fainthearted. I feel like giving up. I dun like this feelin at all. Where are Aaron and Hur? I dun need advice, I dun need counseling. I need supports and prayers!!!!!

Have You Been Saved?

Have You Been Saved?

by Friar Jim Van Vurst, O.F.M.

The question evangelicals always ask.

Have you been saved? Even if you haven’t been asked that question directly, I’m sure you have heard it or read it in various places. And as you know, this is a phrase we associate primarily with evangelical Protestants. You won’t see "have you been saved?" in Catholic literature.

It’s not that it is a bad phrase at all. After all, we all wonder about salvation. But it is a scriptural phrase (John 3:16) that is often taken extremely literally. If you don’t say, “I’m saved because I have received Jesus into my heart,” your salvation in the eyes of some may be suspect.

I recall one minister who was asked by a television commentator during the funeral service for the late Pope John Paul II about “the pope being in heaven.” His comment was, “Well, we just don’t know, do we? If he accepted Jesus into his heart as savior, then he is. But we don’t know if he did that.”

To Catholics (actually, most people) it was an absurd comment on the part of the minister. The pope might have not have received Jesus? Impossible. His whole life was about Jesus.

So, how do we Catholics treat salvation in our own theology? We look at salvation in three ways, which make up our whole doctrine: We have been saved. We are being saved. We shall be saved.

We have been saved.

It was Jesus’ life, death and resurrection that brought about salvation for every person who had lived and would live and for the entire universe. Jesus died for all people, no exceptions, and his death and resurrection opened the opportunity for salvation for all people. Jesus died for the religious leaders who were scoffing at him just as he died for his mother, Mary. He died for the vicious Roman soldiers as much as he did for Peter, the apostles and for all the people who had been born before him. Are we saved? Yes, indeed we have been saved.

We are being saved.

We walk our journey on this earth, and we honor and thank Jesus for what he did for us. The first external act in our faith is that we are baptized, often as infants because of the love of our parents who wanted to share their faith with us. We were saved when we were baptized. We were filled with the life of the Trinity and God’s grace. As we grew older, we learned more about Jesus, about God and all the goodness of God in our lives. We receive the other sacraments, especially the Eucharist, whereby we not only receive Jesus into our hands, but also receive him into our very selves. Have we received Jesus? There is not a doubt in the world that we have. Every sacrament we receive is a personal meeting with Jesus.

It is on our earthly journey that we try to live the gift of faith in Jesus and in his death for us. Our good deeds do not save us. Jesus did that. But in our everyday lives we try to live out Jesus’ command: “Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” Those commands are translated in many ways in our everyday lives. The good deeds we do are our way of saying, “Thank you, Jesus, for this gift of faith." We never do this perfectly, of course, and we regularly ask the Lord’s forgiveness for our failures. So as our journey goes on, we are always being saved day after day.

We will be saved.

As we look to the future, there comes the moment when we breathe our last, step into eternity and in the next moment see the Lord. We know with absolute certainty we have been saved! Our Catholic theology of salvation is rich and includes the past (Jesus) the present (our journey filled with God’s grace) and the future (our union with God). There is nothing magical about salvation. It is not about a few words we say, but about Jesus’ redeeming death, our response to that magnificent gift and our ultimate destiny with God for eternity. Are we saved? Oh, yes indeed. We have been, are being and will be saved.

Monday, May 22, 2006


(soli about the spacing, cant seems to get it fix)

The 23rd day,month? Ya still May, year number 2006 after the birth of Christ.

No rain today.

“Prisca: have you ever prayed what ministry God is calling you to?

Avatar: why u and violetissweet keep on asking me the same thing oh. …….

Prisca: are you reaching out to people? serving in a ministry?

Prisca: its not studying or attending courses or things like that.”

These were the conversation I had with Prisca this afternoon. When Prisca asked me that question, I 'm rather speechless and dunno how to answer. I not saying I marah or what (hey, Prisca and violetissweet, for avoidance of doubt, I not angry ah!!!lolz). I just wonder what these two gals are up to again. (lolz). Why always ask me about the same thing again and again. People start talking behind me again? Frankly speaking, I dunno what definition they have in mind on the meaning of “serving”. But to me, I would take it to mean doing anything for God, which includes little little thing also. No doubt, people close to me would know I am an ardent fan of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. (see her autobiography: The Story of a Soul). So i believe in serving Him by doing little things behind the scene. I have never thought of showing and/or letting people know the kind of things I am doing for Him. (unless no choice lar). Yup, I am very good in hiding myself. Perhaps, this give rise to such misunderstanding I have with them now. OR is it because we haven’t met each others for so long? Lack of communications perhaps? I know they are pretty worry about my spiritual life thinking that I am not doing anything apart from only coming to seminars and seminars and seminars. After all, I dun doubt them sincerely, and I very much appreciate the great care, concern and support they have for me all this while. They are my good friends afterall. Anyway, I have decided to find time to sit down with them one of this day. (especially on the part that Prisca said she sensed I have reached the maximum level in my spiritual life). This is pretty interesting. I do know she got the Power!!! That’s all. (for time being)

P/S: For those who are lost perhaps, Soli Soli. Dun worry, I have joke for you guys today.

A man appears before Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. “Have you ever done anything of particular merits, son?” enquires Pete.

“Well, I can think of one thing,” the man offers.

“As I was in Bali and came across a gang of bikers threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn’t listen. So approached the largest and most heavily-tattooed of the lot, smacked him hard on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring and told him to leave her alone or answer to me.”

“I see,” said Pete, *highly impressed.*“and when did this happen, my son?” asked Pete.

“Oh,” replies the man, “just a couple of minutes ago.”

Sunday, May 21, 2006

How to tell?

Day 21, the month is May in the year of 2006.

Rain!!! Today raining pretty heavy.

This week pretty busy!!! The Life in the Spirit Seminar in a way aggravated the situation. So many places to run around, so many things at the office to finalise. But did I experience anything during the LSS? Of course! But that is another story to be revealed in due course. SO all the while am I in a good mood? IT is suppose to be. Since I am still high in the spirit. But not until when that incident occurred. As a matter of fact, Cornel was curious this morning why I complaint so much, about the time, the delay, the food etc etc. Ya, I no longer in good mood.

Phone rang.

Idiot: Hi, boss. What you doing?

Avatar: Driving. Ya, what you WANT?

Idiot: Err… did Ah xxxxx call you lately?

Avatar: Ya. He also told me something..................

Idiot: It is not what you think.
She is just a normal friend.

* %Gdd&$#0%)%)$&*

Avatar: I believe what Ah xxxxx has told me, He know what he saw………there is no reason for him to lie…….No only Ah xxx saw, Ah ccccc saw you with the gal also……Are you saying both of them are blind…


Avatar: I haven’t told her yet. Doesn’t mean I would not when she is back.

Idiot: ………………………………….

Avatar: I got to hang up. For time being I dun think you need to call me. I dun want to talk to you. Bye.

I dunno what the *beep* my friend is thinking. (I dunno why I still want to keep his name anonymous).The time when he got his gf, he was telling how lucky is he to be able to get his dream gal. He is really a “beep*. How can he treats her like that. Ya, the real reason I haven’t told my friend about him going out with another gal is because I dunno how to tell. I also dun know how to start. I dun have the courage to tell her what Ah xxxxx and Ah cccccccccc has saw at the restaurant. Or should I let it as it is, let her discover his true nature by her ownself. Urgggg…….I have enough things to worry oredi. Why the list seems to be getting longer and longer. *beep* *beep*.

Rain stop oredi.

P/S: I better tell something cheerful. This afternoon Chin was sharing a joke."Rev so and so was holding a bottle of hard liquor. Rev: If i bless this liquor, it will become holy spirit. "

Not funny? Ya, I agreed.

Next time no more posting this kind of stupid joke.


我不懂 太复杂的问法
什么样的礼物 能够永远记的住
云和天 叶和花 从来不需要说话 断不了 依然只牵挂
唱情歌 说情话 只想让你听清楚 我爱你 是唯一的 倾诉
写一首简单的歌 让你的心情快乐 爱情就象一条河难免会碰到波折
这一首简单的歌并没有什么独特 好象我 那么的平凡却又深刻

我一直在思考让你了解我的好 却忘了 常常对你微笑
失去的 忘记的 我会尽力去弥补 你是我最珍贵的财富
写一首简单的歌 让你的心情快乐 爱情就象一条河 难免会碰到波折
这一首简单的歌 并没有什么独特 好象我那么的平凡却又深刻









Saturday, May 20, 2006


As I was chatting with Shane *blah blah blah*, I told her that the Lifeline just sent off the Youth Missionary from bagiuo. Now they are in KL and pretty soon will be going to Singapore. WOW! Wat a God's coincident!!! apparently her youth group will be sponsoring their stay in Singapore and their tickets back home. Guess, the world is not that big afterall when come to doing God's works.
*somenone was asking what happen to the remaining part of the beggar's story, so so soli brather, give me some time, abit bussssssyyyyyy lately.*

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Why so down!!???

So so sooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!?????

Adakah engkau ever feel that you want to share something but you cannot tell because of some circumstances?

Adakah engaku ever feel that you want to share something but you worry that the person will betray your trust?

Adakah engkau ever feel that you want to share something but you dun know who is the right person to share?

Adakah engkau ever feel that you want to share something but deep down you dun want people to know?

Adakah engkau ever feel that you want to share something but you only wish that the persons you dun want to know, knows it?

Adakah engkau ever feel that you want to share something but you wish you can retract your words after you tell if things dun works out as you expect?

Adakah engkau ever feel that………………………………………………………….

In true, I tell you………… every decision that you make will change your life.. so think twice before you do it...... there is always more than one path for you to choose to go.. and it is all depend on you.. nobody knows what is going to happen.. only God knows... have faith in Him for HE know well the plans HE have in mind for you, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope….So be strong and take courage....

*this looks like a legacy of LEXMAS??? and inspired by Lane*

*Deer Deer in KL now, hope she can ta pau baskin robbin for me.hehehe*

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ask I would not answer

Weak I am, truly I know,
Myself I control cannot, hold myself I cannot,
Dun know why to have feeling like this,
Feeling's like being wronged for mistakes that I shouldn’t made,
Attaching to the secular world still I am.

Good and bad things joining hand as friends,
Appeared without warning and out of my expectancy,
Dunno how should I feel, answer is a commodity I could not offer,
Torment brought to myself,
Pain and mental anguish that seems never fade.

Have I done any wrong to deserve this,
Is this path the mistake I have made,
Uncertainty is now my greatest enemy,
Feels like crying over someone's shoulders,
But who should I lean on.

Help cannot I seek now, beyond my control it is indeed,
At time, I could just disappear is my wish,
As though its have not happened,
I might escape, I might avoid, to save my soul of being tormented,
But it's not how things should be.

Things happened, but life goes on surely must,
To give way for what's new it is to come, not for what's gone,
Memories are mine to treasure, and a heart that never seems to heal,
I feel empty once in a while, feeling there is a lot more I should have do,
Perhaps I'm just thinking too much.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What is the position of Liturgical Dance in the Mass? Are they a total no-no?

The other day, Vone was asking Avatar whether has liturgical dance been approved for mass by the Holy See. (* During the conversation, I do learned something new from her, the word ‘Bethlehem apparently also means “once upon of time” lolz*). According to Vone, it seems Water was of the view that it is prohibited!

I promised her I will ask my Sifu in Kuching about this (*too lazy to find the answer myself*). Unfortunately, Sifu din mention much about it (*Sifu must be very very busy!!!*). So much for the “shortcut”, guess I have to ransack my bookshelf again!!

Actually, dancing is more common in the Evangelical churches (*that’s why Terry was puzzled why dancing is such a rarity in the Catholic Church*). If one were to check in the Bible dance was used as an expression of joy at worship or festivals. Perhaps, the most famous reference in the Bible would be 2 Sam 6:14, where King David is said to have danced before the Ark of the Covenant.

So far as I understand, we don't at present have an up or down statement from
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. In other words, there has not been an express declaration from the Holy See approving or prohibiting liturgical dance in toto. The closer document that I can obtained is the 1975 commentary on "religious dance" in an article appeared in Notitiae II (1975) 202-205 published by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments entitled "The Religious Dance, an Expression of Spiritual Joy" (hereinafter referred to as “Notitiae”).(P/S: This document has been labeled as a "qualified and authoritative sketch”)

Notitiae inter alia states:

“Theoretically, it could be deduced from that passage that certain forms of dancing and certain dance patterns could be introduced into Catholic worship.

Nevertheless, two conditions could not be prescinded from.

The first: to the extent in which the body is a reflection of the soul, dancing, with all its manifestations, would have to express sentiments of faith and adoration in order to become a prayer.

The second condition: just as all the gestures and movements found in the liturgy are regulated by the competent ecclesiastical authority, so also dancing as a gesture would have to be under its discipline.”

Notitiae further states that dance in Western culture:

“…is tied with love, with diversion, with profaneness, with unbridling of the senses: such dancing, in general, is not pure.

For that reason it cannot be introduced into liturgical celebrations of any kind whatever: that would be to inject into the liturgy one of the most desacralized and desacralizing elements; and so it would be equivalent to creating an atmosphere of profaneness which would easily recall to those present and to the participants in the celebration worldly places and situations."

Notitiae appears to prohibit liturgical dancing in western culture. But Notitiae did mention that some churches have accepted the practice of dancing. It also mentioned in some cultures, religious dance do plays a role in the Liturgy. And Notitiae also indicated that “If the proposal of the religious dance in the West is really to be made welcome, care will have to be taken that in its regard a place be found outside of the liturgy, in assembly areas which are not strictly liturgical. Moreover, the priests must always be excluded from the dance.

My Opinion:

I dun see any problem with liturgical dance as long as it fulfills the two conditions laid down in Notitiae and save that these are filtered by the authority before hand and accepted as appropriate. But I need to emphasize that if the dance does not in any way enhance the mass and help the congregation to participate better in the communal cerebration of the Eucharist, then better dun dance in the church at all.


Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has publicly criticized the introduction of dance into the Liturgy, as it risks reducing this sacred rite to a spectacle at a Conference held at Bloomingdale, Ohio in 2003.

This is how the Cardinal responded to a question on "liturgical dance":

There has never been a document from our Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments saying that dance is approved in the Mass.

The question of dance is difficult and delicate. However, it is good to know that the tradition of the Latin Church has not known the dance. It is something that people are introducing in the last ten years -- or twenty years. It was not always so. Now it is spreading like wildfire, one can say, in all the continents -- some more than others. In my own continent, Africa, it is spreading. In Asia, it is spreading.

Now, some priests and lay people think that Mass is never complete without dance. The difficulty is this: we come to Mass primarily to adore God -- what we call the vertical dimension. We do not come to Mass to entertain one another. That's not the purpose of Mass. The parish hall is for that.

So all those that want to entertain us -- after Mass, let us go to the parish hall and then you can dance. And then we clap. But when we come to Mass we don't come to clap. We don't come to watch people, to admire people. We want to adore God, to thank Him, to ask Him pardon for our sins, and to ask Him for what we need.
Don't misunderstand me, because when I said this at one place somebody said to me: "you are an African bishop. You Africans are always dancing. Why do you say we don't dance?"

A moment -- we Africans are not always dancing! [laughter]

Moreover, there is a difference between those who come in procession at Offertory; they bring their gifts, with joy. There is a movement of the body right and left. They bring their gifts to God. That is good, really. And some of the choir, they sing. They have a little bit of movement. Nobody is going to condemn that. And when you are going out again, a little movement, it's all right.

But when you introduce wholesale, say, a ballerina, then I want to ask you what is it all about. What exactly are you arranging? When the people finish dancing in the Mass and then when the dance group finishes and people clap -- don't you see what it means? It means we have enjoyed it. We come for enjoyment. Repeat. So, there is something wrong. Whenever the people clap -- there is something wrong -- immediately. When they clap -- a dance is done and they clap.

It is possible that there could be a dance that is so exquisite that it raises people's minds to God, and they are praying and adoring God and when the dance is finished they are still wrapped up in prayer. But is that the type of dance you have seen? You see. It is not easy.

Most dances that are staged during Mass should have been done in the parish hall. And some of them are not even suitable for the parish hall.

I saw in one place -- I will not tell you where -- where they staged a dance during Mass, and that dance was offensive. It broke the rules of moral theology and modesty. Those who arranged it -- they should have had their heads washed with a bucket of holy water! [laughter]

Why make the people of God suffer so much? Haven't we enough problems already? Only Sunday, one hour, they come to adore God. And you bring a dance! Are you so poor you have nothing else to bring us? Shame on you! That's how I feel about it.

Somebody can say, "but the pope visited this county and the people danced". A moment: Did the pope arrange it? Poor Holy Father -- he comes, the people arranged. He does not know what they arranged. And somebody introduces something funny -- is the pope responsible for that? Does that mean it is now approved? Did they put in on the table of the Congregation for Divine Worship? We would throw it out! If people want to dance, they know where to go

AVATAR: Since the position is still not crystal clear, feel free to draw your own opinion.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Grateful that today is a public holiday, manages to clear out some of the outstanding matters like getting all my books organized which i should have done it long long time ago. ( *Just bought a new bookshelf hehehe.*) Finally, finally and finally…. I also manage to watch MI3 this afternoon with Cornel and Vick. Great movie! Thinking of getting the DVD copies of MI1 and MI2. Most importantly, I also managed to finish some of the Smallville’s season 5 series. (lol!)

By the way, the episode entitled LEXMAS really struck me and thought provoking. This is a really good and special episode. It was nice to see how things could have been if Lex Luthor made different decisions. In this episode, Lex Luthor is shot by some criminals who wanted to steal his car and falls into a coma. He dreams that his late mother visits him and shows him the life he could lead if he: (1)walks away from his father and LuthorCorp (*with consequences of losing everything, *meaning money and power* he possesses now*) and (2) friends with Clark Kent. In this alternate life, Lex is happily married to Lana Lang, have a son called Alexander and also expecting a second child. So, what you can see in this episode Lex finally got everything he wanted to (especially the part where he finally got the gal he wanted all this while (Lana)) and it’s the first time you saw him genuinely happy. Unfortunately, Lana (in the alternate life) died and there was nothing that Lex could do (since he had left LuthorCorp, he lacks the means and resources to save Lana’s life). In Lex's point of view, what happen in his dream (alternate life) is a life of pain. In the end, his turn to evil was a tragic one. It was his father who finally pushed him to the edge. ( *all those Smallville’s fan out there would know what I meant*). My point is that this is the first episode that actually revealed the true transformation of Lex Luthor (*of becoming superman’s greatest nemesis*).

For those who have been following Smallville since season one you would have seen how Lex grow into evil, but in this episode, this is what turn him into who he wants to be in the future. When he lived a life of happiness and joyfully, his wife, Lana died and he had no money or power to save her. After Lex regained consciousness, he chose the life of money and power, because after all he realized from his dream that only money and power will secure his happiness and life (albeit wrongly!!!). And Lex had this to say: "And you know what the secret to living happily ever after is? Power ! Money... and power ! Since when you have those two things, you can secure everything else. And keep it that way..."

This episode started or I would say decided Lex’s fate in his never ending battle against Clark, the Superman in future. By the way, this episode wasn't just a Christmas special, but was the birth of an evil on earth, Lex Luthor!!! (*unlike the birth of a saviour Jesus Christ who saved the world*).

Another thing is that this episode leads me to ponder that there is really a thin line between making the right choice or decision in our daily life; for just a moment, a decision that we make may change our life completely(rightly or wrongly). Things could have been worked out differently, if we make the right choice or discernment.

"If your eye is clear, your whole body will be filled with light..If then, the light inside you is darkened, what darkness that will be!" (Mt 6:22-24)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Safe Journey Prisca

Just received news that Prsica's visa has been approved and she is all set ready to go for the mission outreach trip to Ghana which is organised by the ICPE. (*for those who dun know what is ICPE abt, it stand for Institute for World Evangelisation *). In view of the possible political unrest and diseases not to mention what sort of people you may meet over there, indeed it is a very courageous step for her to take and to go and serve God's people again. God's grace is really upon her and she has responded well to the call of our Lord.

Dun worry, Prisca, we will continue to pray for you during your trip in Ghana. If HE is with you nothing is against you.

God Bless and have a safe journey!!! Hope to meet up with before you left.

*By the way, dun forget to bring back some diamond or ruby stone for me. Hehehe*

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Eucharistic Mystery Calls For Our Response

Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments recently delivered the keynote talk at Westminster Cathedral on 1 April 2006, as part of a special afternoon event 'Hearts and Minds, devoted to thinking about and celebrating the Liturgy of the Church.

The text of Cardinal Arinze's talk, 'The Eucharistic Mystery Calls For Our Response' follows below:

Many events in the Church in the last three years have in a special way oriented our attention to the Holy Eucharist. In April 2003, the Servant of God, Pope John Paul II, gave to the Church the beautiful Encyclical Letter, Ecclesia de Eucharistia. At his direction, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued the Instruction, Redemptionis Sacramentum in March 2004. A special Eucharistic Year declared by Pope John Paul was celebrated by the whole Church from October 2004 to October 2005. The October 2005 Synod of Bishops has the Eucharistic mystery as its theme. In this specially Eucharistic climate, it is fitting that we now reflect on what the Lord Jesus asks of us in this mystery of the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharistic mystery calls for our response.

1. Holy Eucharist: Christ's inestimable gift

We begin with a statement of fact. The Holy Eucharist is Christ's inestimable gift to his Church. He did not just live for us, work miracles, teach us, and suffer, die and rise again for love of us and for our salvation. He found a wonderful way to continue to be with us and to associate his Church with his sacrifice in a sacramental way. The Second Vatican Council summarises our faith in the Eucharistic mystery: "At the Last Supper, on the night when He was betrayed, our Saviour instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood. He did this in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the centuries until He should come again, and so to entrust to His beloved spouse, the Church, a memorial of His death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, a pledge of future glory is given to us" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 47; cf also Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1323).

The Holy Eucharist is sacrifice, sacrament and presence. As sacrifice, the Holy Eucharist is the sacramental re-presentation of the paschal mystery, that is, of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. "Do this as a memorial of me" (I Cor 11:25) is the injunction that Jesus gave his Church through the Apostles. At Holy Mass Jesus Christ associates the Church with himself in the offering of himself to God the Father. The Mass is offered for four principal motives: adoration, thanksgiving with praise, asking pardon for our sins with reparation, and requesting for what we need for body and soul.

The Holy Eucharist is also Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. At consecration the bread is no longer bread, it becomes the Body of Christ; the wine is no longer wine, it becomes the Blood of Christ. The Council of Trent teaches us that in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist "the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really and substantially contained" (DS, 1651; cf CCC, 1374). The Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is therefore very much a part of our Catholic faith.

Jesus is present as our Eucharistic Lord. This type of presence is very special. It surpasses all other forms of presence. It is much more than his presence in the Word of God proclaimed in the liturgical assembly, or his presence in the people of God gathered in worship, or his presence and action in the priest celebrant, or even his presence and action in all the other Sacraments. We call the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist the Real Presence (cf Paul VI: Mysterium Fidei, 39; Sacrosanctum Concilium, 7; CCC, 1374), because it is a very special presence, his presence par excellence. In front of this inestimable gift and mystery, what does Jesus ask of us?

2. Faith

The first thing that Jesus asks of us is faith. When God speaks to us, we are expected to listen, to receive, to believe. We are not expected to challenge, to doubt, to argue, or to hive half a dozen lawyers or even theologians who are to find out more facts from him before we decide what our attitude should be. This would be most disrespectful, indeed stubborn and unbelieving. We should not behave like those Jews who on hearing Christ promise that he would give them his body to eat and his blood to drink, refused to believe and retorted: "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" (Jn 6:52). Indeed those unbelieving disciples "returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him" (Jn 6:66). Rather we should in total faith reply like St Peter who spoke on behalf of the believing Apostles when Jesus asked if they also would go away: "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God" (Jn 6:68-69). Here are words of a person of faith. Peter believes because Jesus the Son of God has spoken. And God is neither deceived nor can he deceive. Peter does not need to understand how. It is enough for him to know that Jesus has spoken. Faith is an act of total trust in God who is Truth itself. It is a personal adherence of man to God. The act of faith is most reasonable because it is entirely and supremely reasonable for us human beings to accept what God has said, to entrust our everything ­ will, intelligence, future, prospects ­ to him. Indeed, the person who refuses to believe God is unreasonable, arrogant, insolent and most foolishly self-sufficient. Moreover, God's grace makes supernatural faith possible: "Believing is an act of the intellect assenting to the divine truth by command of the will moved by God through grace" (St Thomas Aquinas II-III, 2, 9; cf. Vat I: Dei Filius, 3 in DS 3010; CCC, 155, 156).

Faith does not make everything clear to us. It is a sacrifice of our intelligence and will. But it calls on us to meditate on what God has revealed, to read the Holy Scripture, to compare one article of revelation with another, in short to seek understanding, as far as our puny powers of intelligence can go. Theology is faith seeking understanding, says St Anselm (cf Prosl. Prooem.: PL 153, 225 A; also CCC, 158). St Augustine puts it this way: "I believe, in order to understand; and I understand, the better to believe" (Sermo 43, 7, 9: PL 38, 257-258). All of us will not rise to the dizzy theological heights of St Thomas Aquinas and St Augustine. But all of us can read the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and from time to time some good book on the teachings of the Fathers of the Church, of the General Councils, and the magisterium of the Popes. In this way our faith is nourished, strengthened and promoted. And we are better equipped to articulate it, to give to anyone who asks of us a statement of what we believe and the reason for our faith (cf I Pet 3:15).

3. Adoration

Adoration is consequent on our Eucharistic faith. If we believe that the Sacrifice of the Mass is a sacramental re-presentation of the Sacrifice of the Cross, and that Jesus is really, truly and substantially present in this august Sacrament, adoration is going to follow.

The Mass is the supreme act of adoration, praise and thanksgiving which humanity can offer to God. We owe everything to God: life, family, talents, work, country. Moreover God has sent us his only-begotten Son for our salvation. At Mass we offer God this supreme acknowledgment of his transcendent majesty and thanksgiving for his magnificent goodness towards us. Moreover, at Mass we associate ourselves with all creation in acknowledging the greatness of God. God is not our equal. He is not our colleague. He is our Creator. Without him we would not exist at all. He is the only necessary being. It is normal that we acknowledge this fact. Those who refuse to adore God must not decorate themselves with the apparently nice title of liberal intellectuals.

If we are to call a spade a spade, we shall inform such people that they are unreasonable, ignorant and blind to most obvious facts. A child who refuses to recognise his parents is not a liberal. He is a brat. Would it be wrong to call him stupid, and unaware of common sense, and even of his own best interest? And God is to us much more than parents are to their children. On the other hand, God is not a rival to us human beings. He is not a threat. He is not a killjoy.

God is our loving Father. He is Providence. He takes care of every detail regarding our life. When we adore him, praise him and thank him, we not only do not demean ourselves. Rather we begin to realise our greatness. Our acknowledgment of God's transcendent reality elevates us. The shepherds in Bethlehem and the Magi were all the better because they adore the Child Jesus. St Anselm, St Augustine, St Thomas Aquinas, St Teresa of Avila, St Thérèse of the Holy Child Jesus, St Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) and Albert Einstein were all the greater because they offered the sacrifice of t eir intelligence to God the Creator. Christians must not allow themselves to be misled by the errors of a secularistic mentality which lives as if God did not exist. Man is not the centre of reality. God is. By adoring God through the Holy Eucharist, we pay this due tribute to God's transcendence.

4. Manifestations of Adoration and Reverence

It is not superfluous for us to mention some of the ways in which adoration and reverence manifest themselves regarding the Eucharistic mystery. We
human beings are body and soul. External gestures can manifest our faith, strengthen it and help to share it with other people.

The way in which we celebrate the Mass has great importance. This applies first of all to the priest celebrant, but also to deacons, minor ministers, choirs, readers and every other participant, each in that person's own role. The way the priest celebrates the Holy Eucharist affects the congregation in a very special manner. If he celebrates in such a way that his faith and devotion shine out, the people are nourished and strengthened in their Eucharistic faith, the weak in faith are awakened and everyone is sent home energized to live and share the faith. Such a priest has knack or skill of celebration with dignity, faith and devotion for the Eucharist of which the October 2005 Synod of Bishops emphasised the importance (Synod Proposition, 25). We manifest our adoration of our Eucharistic Jesus by genuflection whenever we cross the area of the tabernacle where he is reserved. It is reasonable where he is reserved. It is reasonable for us to bend the knee before him because he is our God. This is a way in which adoration is shown to the Holy Eucharist in the Latin Rite Church. The Oriental Churches and Benedictine Monasteries have the tradition of a deep bow. The meaning is the same. Moreover, our genuflection should be a reverential and deliberate act and not a careless bending of the knee to the nearest pillar characteristic of some people in whom over-familiarity with the tabernacle seems to breed hurried and nonchalant movements. As is well known, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, has written beautifully on the sense of the act of genuflection. (cf. J. Ratzinger: The Spirit of the Liturgy, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2000, p. 184-194). As for those who may ignore the significance of this gesture, it may be well to remember that we are not pure spirits like the angels. A Protestant once was visiting a Catholic church in the company of a Catholic friend. They passed across the tabernacle area. The Protestant asked the Catholic what that box was and why a little lamp was burning near it. The Catholic explained that Jesus the Lord is present there. The Protestant then put the vital question: "If you believe that your Lord and God is here present, then why don't you genuflect, even prostrate and crawl?" The superficial Catholic got the message. He genuflected. Everyone can thus see why the tabernacle of the Most Blessed Sacrament is located in a central or at least prominent place in our churches. It is the centre of our attention and prayer. The October 2005 Synod of Bishops emphasised this point (cf Prop., 6, 28, 34). In some of our churches some misguided person has relegated the tabernacle to an obscure section of the church. Sometimes it is even so difficult for a visitor to locate where the tabernacle is, that the visitor can say with truth with St Mary Magdalene: "They have taken my Lord, and I do not know where they laid him" (Jn 20:13).

We also show our adoration and reverence towards the Holy Eucharist by silence in church, by becoming dress and postures at sacred celebrations, by joining other people in singing, giving responses, and gestures such as sitting, kneeling or standing, and by general care over whatever has to do with Eucharistic worship such as reading, discipline in church and tidiness in altar and sacristy equipment.

May I say a further word on the importance of silence in our churches and chapels. Movements of silence help us to prepare for the celebration of Mass. During Mass, a few minutes of silence help us to meditate on the lessons, the Gospel and the homily just heard. Silence after receiving Jesus Holy Communion is a time for personal prayer to Our Lord. At the end of Mass and at all other times in church, silence is a mark of reverence for God's house and especially for Jesus present in the tabernacle.

Some church rectors have the habit of playing recorded soft music as a background in churches almost the whole day outside Mass. This is doubtless well-intentioned.

But it is a mistake. People enter churches to pray, not to be entertained. They are not tourists in a museum or music hall. They need silence in order to concentrate on the tabernacle, or even to reflect on the statues, sacred images which are ongoing catechesis, and the figures of the Way of the Cross.

Gradually in the Church of the Latin Rite from the Middle Ages, Eucharistic devotion has developed in such forms as visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament, personal and group Holy Hour of Adoration, and Eucharistic Benediction, Procession and Congress. None of us should behave as if he or she had outgrown such manifestations of faith and had no need of them. I mention in particular Eucharistic adoration as encouraged by Pope John Paul II (cf Mane Nobiscum Domine, 18) and by the Synod of Bishops of October 2005 (cf Prop., 6). Some parish priests have been surprised by their parishioners signing up for adoration at all hours of day or night. I was told about a Congregation of Sisters in Mexico which has kept up perpetual adoration for 130 years, including the years of persecution. Genuine Eucharistic faith never fails to manifest itself.

5. Observance of Liturgical Norms

In the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the observance of liturgical norms is one of the ways in which we show our Eucharistic faith. To a person who asks why there should be liturgical norms at all, we answer that the Church has the right and duty to promote and protect the Eucharistic celebration with appropriate norms. Christ gave the Church the essentials of the Eucharistic celebration. As the centuries rolled by, the Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, developed details on how the mysteries of Christ are to be celebrated. Being an hierarchical society, the Church also manifests her nature and structure in the celebration of the Holy Mass.

The Mass is the most solemn action of the sacred liturgy, which is itself the public worship of the Church.

"Liturgy", says Pope John Paul II, "is never anyone's private property, be it of the celebrant or of the community in which the mysteries are celebrated. Priests who faithfully celebrate Mass according to the liturgical norms, and communities which conform to those norms, quietly but eloquently demonstrate their love for the Church" (Eccl. de Euch., 52). At the direction of Pope John Paul II, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in collaboration with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum in March 2004 "precisely to bring out more clearly this deeper meaning of liturgical norms" (Eccl. de Euch., 52).

It follows that individuals, whether they be priests or lay faithful, are not free to add or subtract any details in the approved rites of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist (cf Sacrosanctum Concilium, 22). A do-it-yourself mentality, an attitude of nobody-will-tell-me-what-to-do, or a defiant sting of if-you-do-not-like-my-Mass-you-can-go-to-another-parish, is not only against sound theology and ecclesiology, but also offends against common sense. Unfortunately, sometimes common sense is not very common, when we see a priest ignoring liturgical rules and installing creativity ­ in his case personal idiosyncracy ­ as the guide to the celebration of Holy Mass. Our faith guides us and our love of Jesus and of his Church safeguards us from taking such unwholesome liberties. Aware that we are only ministers, not masters of the mysteries of Christ (cf I Cor 4:1), we follow the approved liturgical books so that the people of God are respected and their faith nourished, and so that God is honoured and the Church is gradually being built up.

6. Eucharist and Mission

At the end of the Mass the deacon, or in his absence the priest, says to us "Ite, Missa Est". Our celebration is over. Go now to live and share with other people what we have received, heard, sung, meditated and prayed. The Mass sends us on mission.

The first duty which the Eucharistic celebration enjoins on us is to live the faith and share it with other people. Evangelization in the express form of proclamation of salvation in Jesus Christ is a priority (cf Paul VI: Evangelii Nuntiandi, 22). We must share with other people "the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:8). Every Catholic - priest, consecrated person or lay faithful ­ will do this according to that person's vocation and mission in the Church and in the world.

At the Eucharistic celebration Jesus is also sending us to show Christian solidarity with the poor, the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned, and the needy in general. At the Last Supper he himself washed the feet of his Apostles, thereby teaching us mutual love and service as an injunction of the Holy Eucharist (cf Jn 13: 1-15). He taught us that the last judgement will be based on whether we have shown love and solidarity towards the needy (cf Mt 25: 31-46). Pope John Paul II says that the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebration can be judged from how we love the poor and people in difficulty (cf Mane Nobiscum Domine, 28).

In his first Encyclical Letter, Deus Caritas Est, Pope Benedict XVI illustrates beautifully how love of God necessarily carries with it love of neighbour. The Holy Eucharist promotes both in a magnificent way. The Holy Father says: "The saints ­ consider the example of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta ­ constantly renewed their capacity for love of neighbour from their encounter with the Eucharistic Lord, and conversely this encounter acquired its realism and depth in the service to others" (Deus Caritas Est, 18).

Brother and Sisters in Christ, in the Eucharistic mystery our beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is giving us the inestimable gift of himself. He asks for our response. Shall we refuse to pay him back with love? May the Most Blessed Virgin Mary obtain for us the grace to respond with generosity, with constant faith, with heartfelt adoration and with apostolic dynamism.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Story- Part 1 of 3

Last night I went to Capstone with my pang yao Deer Deer……(first time there)

Wow, really impressive. Lots of christian books!!!......

Avatar: “Hey, you still remember the story you gave me about this begger many years ago”.

Deer Deer: “Ya, I remember, why?

Avatar: Great! I want to read that story again lar, is it written by Max Lucado?

Deer Deer: No, No, Is by Rick Joyner.

Avatar: Oh. Okay, you think you can pass the book to me later?

Deer Deer: No problem, But I need to dig it out from the box.

Avatar: How long? for you to find the book.

Deer Deer: Not long, shoudn’t take more than five.

Avatar: Great. Remind lme ater to take the book from you.

I love this story, so touching. Until now, I still cannot forget this story. Dun know why today, I wanted to read it again so badly. For the whole day, I told myself no matter what, I must asked that book from Deer Deer. So finally, after sending Deer Deer home, she passed the book to me and I proceeded to Chapel. *Thank God, She found it*. Awesome! HE spoke to me again through the story.

Here is how the story goes:

He then stopped and I turned to look at those in the thrones next to us. We were still in the place where the very highest kings were sitting. Then I recognized a man who was close by.

“Sir, I know you from somewhere, but I just cannot remember where.”

“You once saw me in a vision,” he replied.

I immediately remembered, and was shocked! “So you were a real person?”

“Yes,” he replied.

I then began to remember the day when, as a young Christian I had become frustrated with some issues in my life. I went out into the middle of a battlefield park near my apartment and determined to wait until the Lord spoke to me. As I sat reading my Bible I was caught up into a vision one of the first that I ever had.

In the vision I saw a man who was zealously serving the Lord. He was continually witnessing to people, teaching and visiting the sick to pray for them. He was very zealous for the Lord, and had a genuine love for people. Then I saw another man who was obviously a tramp or a homeless man, A small kitten wandered into his path and he started to kick it, but restrained himself, but still shoved it rather harshly out of the way with his foot. Then the Lord asked me which of these men pleased Him the most.

“The first,” I said without hesitating.

“No. the second,” He responded, and began to tell me their stories.

The first man had been raised in a wonderful family, which had always known the Lord. He grew up in a thriving church, and then attended one of the best Bible colleges. He had been given one hundred portions of His love, but he was using only seventy-five.

The second man had been born deaf. He was abused and kept in a dark, cold attic until he was found by the authorities when he was eight years old. He had then been shifted from one institution to another where the abuse continued. Finally he was turned out on the streets. To overcome all of this the Lord had only given him three portions of His love, but he had mustered every bit of it to fight the rage in his heart to keep from hurting the kitten.

[ be continued/bersambung.....]

Dua Puluh Sen

One day, at a local malay restaurant near my office (*the one opposite DBKK*), I was having lunch with Ah Meo……

Waitress: Encik ada dua puluh sen?

Avatar: Dua puluh sen? untuk apa cik?

Waitress: Encik kena bayer dua puluh sen. Soup kosong dua puluh sen encik?

Avatar: Dua puluh sen!?!?!? Soup kosong bukan free ka?

*Ah Meo was smiling at me*

Then I continued to ask.

Avatar: Cik kenapa saya kena bayar dua puluh sen? Kawan saya pun order soup kosong juga. Tapi awak tidak minta sama dia.

Waitress: Ya cik, kawan kau kena bagi free, sebab dia order nasi putih. Yang encik order nasi goreng.

Avatar: *What!?!?!?!?....*

Avatar: Mana you punya boss? Saya nak cakap sama dia?

Waitress: boss tiada, boss besar tidak datang sini.

Avatar: siapa lagi saya boleh cakap, siapa supervisior?

Waitress: Tunggu.

Tick Tat, Tick Tat, after 5 minit one malay lady came. *I din even dared to drink the soup kosong*

Lady: Apa masalah, encik?

Avatar: Tadi, you punya staff minta saya bayar ini soup kosong, macam mana ni.

Lady: memang betuk encik, encik kena bayar dua puluh sen. sebab encik panggil nasi goreng.

Avatar: cik, awak tengok makanan kawan saya, dia order nasi putih dan campur sama ayam. Saya order nasi goreng campur ayam juga. Kenapa saya kena bayar. Sama boss ka?
Lady: Ya boss sama.
Avatar: Berapa saya punya nasi goreng?

Lady: satu ringgit setengah

Avatar: harga nasi putih?

Lady: Seringgit.

Avatar: Macam mana ni cik, bukan saya tak mau bayar, tapi memang tiada logic betul ni, apa pasal nasi goreng lagi mahal sama nasi putih, yang makan nasi putih kena bagi free soup kosong. yang order mahal kena bayar lebih.

*Ah Meo continued smiling there*

Lady: memang betul nasi goreng mahal, sebab nasi goreng kena goreng.

Avatar: *Ha!?!?!?!?!?!....*

Lady: memang undang-undang kami sini kena bayar dua puluh sen untuk soup kosong kalau encik buka minta nasi putih.

Avatar: * Wa lau eh, undang-undang*

Avatar: Apa undang-undang cik, ini tidak logic betuk, tiada common sense.

*Finally, the big guy Ah Meo opened his mouth*

Ah Meo: Heiya, cik dua puluh sen saja, kasih free lar. Lain kali kami datang lagi.

Lady: encik, tiada apa lar, hari ini kita bagi free. Lain kali kena bayar.

Avatar: *ya right*


Ah Meo: I think you better dun come here, they marked your face already, next time you order, they going to put something on your food.

Avatar: No problem lar, you think I going to come to this place again meh. So so tidak logic wan. If i come i come with my friend from the Jabatan Kesihatan, baru dia tau.

Hu is the new leader of china?

Received this joke from my friend, so so funny. Thought of sharing it to you guys.

George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Lay it on me.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
George: That's what I want to know.
Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The main man in China!
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
Condi: I'm telling you, Hu is leading China.
George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's who's name?
Condi: Yes. George: Will you, or will you not, tell me the name of the new leader of China? Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he's dead in the Middle East.
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, sir.

George: Look Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.

Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No.
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N. Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: Milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi: And call who?
George: Who is the guy at the U.N?
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: Will you stay out of China?!
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi.
George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


After ferring the members home, by the time i came home is oredi 2.30am. Ding Dong Ding Dong went to bed at 3am. Then woke up at 6am and go to work, sleepy talk other time...zzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Supernatural- The Hunt begins 4 May

Supernatural is a tale of two brothers, bound by destiny and disaster to battle the evil forces of the paranormal. Poles apart, the Winchester brothers are compelled to travel all around the country to hunt out the eerie creatures of urban legends and folklore that you thought were all just made-up.

When their mother, Mary, was taken from the family 22 years ago by unseen evil forces, the brothers' father John embarked on a mission against the supernatural to avenge his wife's death. Bringing the two young boys with him on his strange missions, John brought them up to hunt and fight the unexplained – whether they wanted to or not.

Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) is the younger brother – the "normal" one. A law student trying to escape the eccentric lifestyle his father mapped out, Sam gladly traded his ghost-hunting for college and a perfect girlfriend, and hasn't seen his brother Dean (Jensen Ackles, Smallville) for 4 years. When the latter turns up suddenly on Sam's doorstep with the news that their father has vanished, he has little choice but to join Dean in a search for their father. (
Catch the Season 1 premiere at AXN on 4 May 2006, 10.oo p.m.!!!

Repost: The Law of Equivalent Exchange

Alphonse Elric:

"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is the law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth."

Something Wrong!

Something wrong with my post on the Law of Equivalent Exchange, the text gone missing just like that. (is that a sign?)

The Law of Equivalent Exchange Vs The Love of God

John 3:16-17:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.

The Law of Equivalent Exchange Vs The Love of God

John 3:17-18:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

For God
did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I Wouldn't Go Back

I wouldn't go back,
I wouldn't go back to that life I used to live,
I wouldn't go back I'm never going back again.

That's all behind me,
So don't you remind me,
It's all too vivid in my mind,
I chose to leave it all behind .

Lead me on whatever it takes, Oh Lord,
Before the night I knelt And asked God to forgive me,
The pain I felt, the tears I shed, the loneliness inside,
I still recall that night one Fall,
How close I came to ending my life,
Just before You came lying on my bed,
The ceiling over my head kept screaming " Who are you anyway?"
What could I say? Sitting in my living room,
Tears streaming down my face,
Life was such a waste 'til I met You

Jesus! I wouldn't go back,
Never again, I wouldn't go back To that life I used to live,
I'm never going back again.






分手可以有很多原因,結合卻只有一個原因, 原因就是--不需要原因。

"Love has a way of blinding even the sharpest minds. We don't look because we don't want to see. But once love is stripped away, we see the real person clearly. There revealed to us, with all their flaws, their foibles, and their secrets." - Author known but intended to be anonymous

Back Home!!!

I am at Labuan now!!! For a while I was thinking whether to go back or not. As you know, the BM Youth will be launching their new ministry (Hati Kudus....oops can't remember the name of the ministry!) on Sunday, 30.4.2006, at SHC. I was planning to attend the launch and give them some moral support (as an observer of the event only (lol!)). Anyway, the Lord laid on my heart that I should be back home to spend some time with my mom during this holiday. I realised that I should be part of the answer to my prayer for her. So here I am -home sweet home !!!

To divert a bit, many people were actually asking about what I have experienced at the Freedom Camp 2006 at Bundu Tuhan, I din’ really talk much about the camp, even to my closest friends, Cornel (my own Aaron, who always intercede for me, as Aaron supported Moses's arm at the battle between the Israel and the Amalekites, see Exodus 17:9-13 (my favourite passage!!!)). Same with Vivian who also asked me the other day at a coffee shop, whereby I gave her only a really vague reply. Honestly, I do find it quite difficult to share my experience at the Camp (dun ask me why, i dun know either). Perhaps, things may change now. On Sunday, I attended the mass with my brother at the Blessed Sacrament Church. Rev Kessel happened to be the cerebrant, he gave a really good sermon on the spirit of Easter. At that moment, I received a prompt from the Lord that I should starts sharing with others about the Camp, at least about my experience during the Nailing of the Cross session. So, since the ‘Big Boss’ had given a direct order to me, maybe I will talk about the camp in my next post, but not now…. still need to finish some of my assignment.


AM was commenting on my blog the other day. She said that the way i write in the post, akin to writing a submission to the Judge (hehehe); AM, I can't help it at this point of time, that is what I do every day mah.

Bodoh and Sochai

Last nite was a good nite for me, but not tonite. Bodoh and Sochai, why u betrayed me!!!

The Law of Equivalent Exchange Vs The Love of God

John 3:17-18:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.